Chief Cole Langdon
To our Community:
It’s my honor and privilege, to serve this wonderful community, walking alongside a group of professionals dedicated to a life of public service. I’ve been a part of this great department for almost 30 years. I started my journey with Lynnwood as a police cadet in the summer of 1996 and at twenty and a half years of age, was hired as a police officer and sent to the academy. After graduating from the Basic Law Enforcement Academy, I worked as a patrol officer for several years before transferring into my first specialty assignment, that of traffic motorcycle officer. I held various other specialty roles in the department before assuming more formal leadership roles as a sergeant, commander, and deputy chief before finally assuming the role of chief.
This is your police department and we are here to serve and provide you with excellent service. You are our “why.” You are the reason we’re out here doing this amazing job. One of my main objectives is to continue making this community a fun, safe and welcoming place for all and I believe we can make that happen by engaging and collaborating with our amazing community members.
The foundation of our commitment to excellence begins with the hiring and developing of great people. We strive to do things right. We foster our folks by providing a positive and supportive work environment with plenty of opportunities for growth. These efforts allow us to do our best work for you, our community. I expect all members of the department to provide excellent customer service and proactively work to create a safe environment for all residents of our community, as well as those who come to our city to visit, shop, or play. It is my expectation, we do our work with integrity, compassion, and empathy.
I am humbled to be afforded the opportunity to serve in this role as your Chief of Police and look forward to continuing to try to make things better, help people, and build a stronger community.