Comprehensive Plan and Subarea Plans

The Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document for future change throughout Lynnwood. It describes the long-term direction and vision for the growth and development of the community. The Plan assesses the issues and opportunities that Lynnwood will face over the next 20 years.

The Plan includes elements to address all physical components of the community, including land use, transportation, housing, parks, public facilities, and economic development. Each element includes goals, objectives and policies aimed at making our community better and more stable.

The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires local governments to periodically review and amend their comprehensive plans and development regulations. The City Council adopted the 2035 Comprehensive Plan on June 22, 2015. The information below includes all the documents that were adopted as part of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan.

DRAFT Lynnwood Comprehensive Plan 2024 Periodic Update

The draft Comprehensive Plan has been finalized! The next step will be presenting the completed draft to City Council for approval and adoption in quarter one of 2025.

As we approach the adoption date, City Staff are grateful for the community members who contributed to the Imagine Lynnwood Comprehensive Plan, whether you participated in Big Ideas month, stopped by our tables at one of the community events, or attend the public hearing, thank you. 

Subarea Plans

Subarea plans are detailed plans prepared for a smaller geographic area within a community.  The areas can encompass neighborhoods, corridors, downtowns, or other types of special districts that show cohesive characteristics.

SEPA Environmental Documents

The Comprehensive Plan is a non-project action that is evaluated through the SEPA process.  Below are adopted SEPA threshold determinations for Comprehensive Plan documents.

2015 Update of the Lynnwood Comprehensive Plan - Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS)(PDF, 406KB)

2016 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments  - Determination of Nonsiginificance (DNS)(PDF, 2MB)


Annual Update Process

Per RCW 36.70A.130, the City of Lynnwood is required to periodically update its comprehensive plan and development regulations. The last major update the City completed was in 2015, with minor amendments occurring annually.

The Comprehensive Plan annual amendment process consists of three phases (Chapter 18.04 LMC):

  • Phase 1 (Spring): Review the proposed amendment list (PAL) and determine which of the proposed amendments should be further evaluated (adopted PAL/docket).
  • Phase 2 (Summer): Staff review of amendments on adopted PAL.
  • Phase 3 (Fall/Winter): Legislative process to consider proposed amendments.



2024 Annual Amendment Process

By state law, amendments to the Plan generally may be considered only once a year. The deadline for filing for the 2024 amendment cycle is April 1, 2024.


Public Notice: 2024 Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan(PDF, 53KB)




Questions? Contact the Planning Division at or 425-670-5410