Permit & Impact Fees

city center apartment construction

The fee schedules below can be used to calculate the permit, service and impact fees that may be associated with your project.  Building Permit and Land Use Application fees are established to cover the plan review and inspection services.  Depending on the type, location and size of your project Impact Fees may apply.  Impact Fees are collected to offset the additional demand that is generated by the development.

Permit fees are based on several factors, including the size and complexity of your project, the value of work you are doing, additional permits required for your project, the amount of time needed to review your application and plans, and inspection fees. Use this Lynnwood Municipal Code fee schedule link to estimate the permit expenses for your project. Below is a list of where to locate more information on each type of permit:

  • Building, Mechanical, and Plumbing: Title 15 and Title 16
  • Electrical: Title 16
  • Fire: Title 9
  • Development Engineering: Title 12, Title 13, Title 14, and Title 16
  • Land Use/Planning: Title 17, Title 18, Title 19, and Title 21

Traffic Impact Fees (TrIFs) are used by the City for pay for transportation projects. The fee amount varies depending on the land use or combination of uses. For example, residential fees and commercial fees are not the same because they generate different amounts of traffic. This section is intended to assist the development community in understanding the City's TrIF program.

TrIFs are due prior to the issuance of a building permit and the amount is based on the fee schedule in effect at the time a complete building permit application is filed. The applicant must submit the following spreadsheet and any optional forms to the Permit Center with the building permit application in order for staff to calculate the final TrIF amount.

Traffic Impact Fee Information

Traffic Impact Fee Application