Businesses operating in the City of Lynnwood need a business license. Apply for your City of Lynnwood business license (endorsement) through the Washington Business Licensing Service’s (BLS) one-stop online business licensing portal. If you would like assistance applying for your business license, you can use the Business Licensing Wizard. If you would like to fill out the application by hand, you can print out a form here.
Apply for a Business License
Before you apply
Verify that your business or home business is located within Lynnwood city limits. Businesses and home businesses located in unincorporated areas of Lynnwood do not need a Lynnwood business license (endorsement).
What kind of business license do I need?
- Resident Business License: For businesses operating in a physical location in the City of Lynnwood.
- Non-Resident Business License: For businesses with a physical location in another jurisdiction, but operating or providing services in the City of Lynnwood.
- Home Occupation License: For businesses operating out of a home / residence. Verify your home address is within City limits before applying.
How long does the application process take?
The application process takes approximately 8-10 business days if all information and payments are submitted correctly. If the application indicates any problem areas, the department concerned will contact the business owner and work through questions the City may have.