Crisis Care Center Project


The Crisis Care Center, which is located adjacent to the Community Justice Center, serves as a crisis alternative for community members, first responders, and emergency rooms. The Crisis Care Center is a short-term mental health and/or substance use crisis stabilization center.

In August of 2021, a multi-disciplined task force was established which developed a recommendation to the Lynnwood City Council to create a separate, but co-located Crisis Care Center at the site of the Community Justice Center. City Council agreed with this recommendation and approved a contract for the design of the center, which is currently under construction. This facility will bring much needed mental health and substance use disorder treatment to our community. 

This project is entirely funded by State and County grants. To date, we have received $3 million in funding from Snohomish County, a $1.9 million grant from the Department of Commerce, and approximately $15 million from the Washington State Capital budget.


Project Background

The City of Lynnwood is moving forward on a project to rebuild and reimagine our Community Justice Center. We are designing and building a purpose-built police department, a re-imagined misdemeanor jail, and a remodeled court, which will allow us the necessary space and function to bring the best justice services to our community. 

In August 2021, a task force was formed to evaluate the possibility of locating a Community Recovery Center on the site of the Community Justice Center. The task force objective was to review the Community Justice Center plans to see if there was a way to incorporate more health and mental health services without changing the original design footprint.  On September 7, 2021, Chief Jim Nelson, and Representative Lauren Davis presented the findings from the task force to the Lynnwood City Council.  

On September 13, 2021, City Council adopted Resolution 21-06 to build a Community Recovery Center on the site of the Community Justice Center.

Community Recovery Center.PNG



19321 44th Ave W, Lynnwood 98036  View Map

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