Neighborhood Watch, Block Watch, Town Watch, Crime Watch - whatever the name, it's one of the most effective and least costly ways to prevent crime and reduce fear. Neighborhood Watch fights the isolation that crime both creates and feeds upon. It forges bonds among area residents, helps reduce burglaries and robberies, and improves relations between police and the communities they serve.
If you live within the city limits of Lynnwood we can help you kick start an effective block watch meeting.
When a group of neighbors decide to form a Neighborhood Watch group, it's always important to start an informal contact list.
Email our Crime Prevention Unit for help in training members in home security and reporting skills and for information on local crime patterns at your first block watch meeting.
Email Us
Select a coordinator and block captains who are responsible for organizing meetings and relaying information to members.
Recruit members, keeping up-to-date on new residents and making special efforts to involve the elderly, working parents, and young people.
Contact our Crime Prevention Unit to put up Neighborhood Watch signs.
When calling 9-1-1 to report a crime in progress: