Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts

Couple walking a dog at Scriber Lake Park


Discover all that we offer in over 350 acres of park land which includes 17 parks, over 100 acres of natural open space, and 14 miles of trails.

Parks   Rentals


Lynnwood Parks Map(PDF, 2MB)

We provide a wide range of activities and classes to fit all ages, interests and ability. From Athletics to Zumba, Baseball to Yoga, discover all that we offer at the Recreation Center, Senior Center and more!

& Activities 
 Recreation Center
& Swimming Pool

Healthy Communities is about health equity. We aim to help make the healthy choice, the easy choice by combining policy and programming with improvements to Lynnwood's parks, trails, and walking network.


We provide a comprehensive system of facilities and programs to meet the parks and recreation needs of the community. Our department plans and develops parks and recreation facilities, operates and maintains parks, and provides a wide variety of recreation activities and programs for all age groups.

Current capital projects are listed to the right with links to project information pages. 

Our Document Library contains annual reports, comprehensive plans, recreation guides and other important reports. 

Document Library

Questions or Comments? Contact Interim Director Joel Faber at Joel Faber or 425-670-5508.


Come enjoy our 18-hole course and full-service Pro Shop. We are open year round and put an emphasis on fun. Our course's combination of tight fairways and hole layout will test the skills of any golfer. We are located in South Snohomish County in the Woodway Building at Edmonds Community College.

Visit Lynnwood Golf Course

Contact: 425-672-GOLF

Our parks and programs are financially supported by the Lynnwood Parks & Recreation Foundation. The Foundation hosts an annual golf tournament to raise funding for the Recreation Benefit Fund scholarship program serving low-income youth, seniors and disabled adults. The Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides opportunities for individuals and organizations to support parks and recreation with a tax-deductible donation.

Parks & Recreation Foundation

Park benches can be installed and dedicated in memory of a loved one. If you are interested in dedicating a memorial bench, please contact Eric Peterson, Park Superintendent, at 425-670-5595 or via email.

The benefits of becoming a volunteer with Lynnwood Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts are endless. Click here for more information