
Lynnwood Civic Campus Flower Bed

The Finance Department serves the public with their financial and billing needs. The Finance Department also provides internal customer service to all City Departments. Our success depends on the success of our customers. It is our primary commitment to meet our customers' needs by providing reliable, quality service that anticipates and exceeds their expectations.


The City's Accounting Division performs the following functions:

  • Processing of payroll for City employees.
  • Issuing payments to vendors and service providers.
  • Billing for services we have provided.
  • Assisting other City divisions by maintaining and providing internal financial information.
  • Assisting other City divisions with their state and federal grant paperwork and billing.
  • Managing the City's various physical assets.

Learn more about Accounting and Auditing


The City's Adopted Budget is a legal document giving the City authority to spend public funds. The Budget follows the policies, goals and services levels determined by City Council. 

Click here to learn more about budgets, capital plans, and financial policies.  

The City's Treasury Division is responsible for management of investments; banking and cash receipts; tax receipts and filing; and accounts receivable. This work group also provides reception services at City Hall.

For Tax Information & Admissions, Gambling, and Utility Tax Forms

Visit Treasury

The City's Utility Billing Division is responsible for managing the following:

  • Generate and send billings for water, sewer (wastewater), and storm services
  • Process applications for starting and terminating utility services
  • Assist community members with utility billing questions
  • Offer reduced rates and rebates to qualifying low-income households

Learn more about Utility Billing

Need to pay your water/sewer bill?  Make a payment online through Lynnwood Utility Access or explore other options available.

 Pay Your Utility Bill 

The City offers reduced rates or rebates on City utilities to eligible low-income households.

Learn more about Lynnwood's reduced rates and rebates  

The City's Procurement and Contracts Division develops and administers contracts for many products and services, construction, and professional services, as well as other agreements. 

Visit the Procurement & Contracts Division