LEOFF-1 Disability Board

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The Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighters' Plan (LEOFF) 1 Disability Board reviews and approves all eligible disability and medical claims submitted by active and retired Police and Fire LEOFF 1 members in accordance with RCW 41.26, WAC 415-105, and the City of Lynnwood LEOFF 1 Disability Board Policies and Procedures. 

LEOFF-1 Disability Board Members
Position Member Term Expires
Chairman  Michael McBride 12/31/2026
Vice Chairman  John Conderman 12/31/2025
Councilmember   Nick Coelho 12/31/2025
Councilmember   George Hurst 12/31/2025
Member at Large   Ed dos Remedios 12/31/2026
Board Secretary  HR Admin. Asst. N/A


Fire Pension Board Members

Position Member Term Expires
Chairperson  Mayor Christine Frizzell  N/A
Vice Chairperson  Michelle Meyer N/A
Finance Director  Michelle Meyer N/A
Firefighter Representative #1   John Conderman  12/31/2024
Firefighter Representative #2   Paul Walker  12/31/2024
Firefighter Representative Alternate   Paul Boehm 12/31/2024
Board Secretary  HR Admin. Asst. N/A


The LEOFF-1 Disability Board consists of five members, as follows:

  • Two members of the City legislative body to be appointed by the Mayor. 
  • One firefighter employed by or retired from the City to be elected by the firefighters employed by or retired from the City who is subject to the jurisdiction of the Board. Only those active or retired firefighters who are subject to the jurisdiction of the board have the right to elect under this section. All firefighters employed by or retired from the City are eligible for election. Elections for firefighter representative will be in even numbered years. 
  • One police officer employed by or retired from the City to be elected by the police officers employed by or retired from the City who is subject to the jurisdiction of the Board.  Only those active or retired police officers that are subject to the jurisdiction of the Board have the right to elect under this section. All police officers employed or retired from the City are eligible for election. Elections for police officer representative will be held in odd numbered years. 
  • One member from the public at large who resides within the City to be appointed by the other four duly appointed and elected members. 

Each member shall serve a two year term. The City legislative members shall serve alternating terms, as will the police and fire representatives. 

If a vacancy occurs in the membership, a successor will be elected or appointed in the same manner as the original election or appointment and shall serve the unexpired term.