The Board’s Mission is “Connecting community members to the history and heritage of Lynnwood to build a positive sense of place” by:
Our HHBStrategicPlan2023.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
The Board consists of seven members; four who must live within Lynnwood City limits and be a registered voter, and three members that are selected from qualifying bodies. Members serve three-year terms.
Fun way to learn about Lynnwood history:
2023HHB-AnnualReport.pdf(PDF, 1015KB) 2022-HHB-Annual-Report.pdf(PDF, 1MB)
Staff Liaison Fred Wong Email 425-670-5502
Meetings can also be accessed online.
Are you interested in joining the History & Heritage Board?
Visit our Board and Commission Page to see a listing of our current opportunities and to fill out an application.
These projects are collaborations with the Lynnwood-Alderwood Manor Heritage Association & Museum, and made possible in part by assistance from the Snohomish County Community Heritage Program.
More information coming soon