The Lynnwood City Council will hold a Special Business Meeting on Thursday, March 13th at 7 pm in the Council Chambers for the purpose of holding Executive Session, potentially rescinding a previous motion, and discussion of next steps for Council Vacancy. There will be no opportunity for Public Comments this evening.
Please note, the Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 13th has been relocated to the Lynnwood Senior Center.
The Board’s Mission is “Connecting community members to the history and heritage of Lynnwood to build a positive sense of place” by:
Our HHBStrategicPlan2023.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
The Board consists of seven members; four who must live within Lynnwood City limits and be a registered voter, and three members that are selected from qualifying bodies. Members serve three-year terms.
Fun way to learn about Lynnwood history:
2023HHB-AnnualReport.pdf(PDF, 1015KB) 2022-HHB-Annual-Report.pdf(PDF, 1MB)
Staff Liaison Fred Wong Email 425-670-5502
Meetings can also be accessed online.
Are you interested in joining the History & Heritage Board?
Visit our Board and Commission Page to see a listing of our current opportunities and to fill out an application.
These projects are collaborations with the Lynnwood-Alderwood Manor Heritage Association & Museum, and made possible in part by assistance from the Snohomish County Community Heritage Program.
More information coming soon