Adopt a Street

Adopt a Street participants smile in front of sign.

What is Adopt a Street?

Lynnwood’s Adopt a Street Program creates partnerships between volunteer groups and the City of Lynnwood to encourage a cleaner City and healthier environment by reducing litter from public streets.

How does the Adopt a Street Program work?

Participating volunteer groups agree to remove litter from assigned streets at least twice a year, over a 2-year period.  In return the City will install signs with the volunteer's group name on their street. The City will provide necessary equipment and training.

What are the Volunteer Group Requirements?

All volunteer groups must be represented by an individual of at least 18 years of age. Minors may take part in the clean up event, but must be accompanied by an adult.

Sign Up Today



Please email and tell us about your group and if there is a street you are interested in adopting. Once a location has been determined the formal application will be sent to you. 

By Phone

Give us a call

Please call 425-670-5262, and we can talk about your group and the street you would like to Adopt. Please leave a message if you reach the voicemail. Once your street has been confirmed we will send you the formal application to fill out either via email or mail. 




THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered between the CITY OF LYNNWOOD, hereinafter referred to as the “City,” and: a “Volunteer Group.”

WHEREAS, the City established a citywide Adopt a Street Litter Control Program; and

WHEREAS, the Volunteer Group wishes to contribute towards the effort to enhance the beauty of the City by reducing roadside litter; therefore

The City does hereby authorize the Volunteer Group permission to participate in the Adopt a Street litter control program by picking up litter in the assigned section of street right of way designated below, in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

The Volunteer Group does hereby agree:

  1. To conduct clean-up activities is a safe manner and comply with any conditions as may be required by the City for the safety of the participants.  Because safety of participants is the highest priority of this program, the Volunteer Group agrees to take full responsibility to ensure that each participant receives the appropriate safety training.  Furthermore, the Volunteer Group will require each participant of the clean-up to read and sign the Adopt-a-Street Registration and Hold Harmless Form before participating in any program activity.
  2. To assign a leader to each clean-up crew and that crew leader shall have a copy of this agreement with him/her during the clean-up activity.
  3. To pick-up litter no less than TWO (2) times per year.  Additional clean-ups should be performed as necessary to maintain a neat appearance.
  4. To have all participants wear the safety vest furnished by the City during clean-up activities.  No more than 15 people shall participate in the clean-up activity at one time.
  5. To have no more than TWO (2) vehicles parked on the road shoulder within the assigned area during clean-up activity.  A minimum number of vehicles shall be used to transport the participants to the assigned area.
  6. To make sure at least one participant is at least 18 years or older.
  7. To conduct safety training for each participant using training resources and materials provided by the City and have participants complete a participant hold harmless agreement before participating in a clean-up.
  8. To obtain supplies and materials from the City during regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  9. To placed filled trash bags at the street corner for pick-up and disposal by the City.
  10.  To contact 911 immediately in the event of any emergency on a street   right-of-way.  Participants who find anything that is hazardous shall not touch it, and use appropriate precautions while notifying proper authorities who will address proper disposal.
  11. To instruct participants not to pick-up syringes, hypodermic needles, exceptionally large, heavy, or unyielding objects.  These kinds of materials should be flagged and the City notified as soon as possible to arrange for proper disposal.
  12.  To schedule clean-ups with the Adopt a Street Coordinator at least one-  week in advance of scheduled clean-up date.
  13. Clean-ups shall NOT be scheduled during a legal holiday, during the afternoon on the day before a legal holiday, or on holiday weekends.
  14. The Volunteer Group understands that the City does not provide coverage for injuries received while performing under this agreement.
  15.  The crew leader shall report any injuries incurred by participants during the clean-up activities to the Volunteer Group within two working days of the injury.  The Volunteer Group will report any injuries/accidents to the City within two working days of being notified of the injury.  Notification to the City should include the following:
    • Name of injured person
    • Nature of injury
    • Date and time of injury
    • How the injury occurred 
  16. To return to the City, in good condition, the safety kits, advance warning signs, unused trash bags, and any other equipment or supplies furnished by the City within TWO (2) business days following each use.

The City does hereby agree:

  1. To furnish and install Adopt a Street signs with the Volunteer Group’s name or acronym displayed at the assigned area following the completion of the Volunteer Group’s first clean-up event.  No websites, phone numbers, or addresses will be displayed.
  2. To provide the Volunteer Group trash bags and safety equipment to use during program activities.
  3. To remove/pick-up and dispose of the filled trash bags.
  4. To assist the Volunteer Group in cleaning up litter if necessary, (i.e.large, heavy, or dangerous items). 
  5. To provide safety training materials and aids to the Volunteer Group’s representative for the Volunteer Group to use before the Volunteer Group’s first program activity.

It is recommended the Volunteer Group have at least one person with a valid First Aid card present during clean-up activities.

Recycling is an acceptable and encouraged activity.  Recyclable items collected by participants may be removed from the site at the option of the Volunteer group.  Profits from sale of recyclable items shall belong to the Volunteer Group.

The City may suspend this agreement temporarily because of future construction that will take place within the limits of the assigned area.  Once these activities have been completed, the Volunteer Group will be notified and the agreement restored.

The terms of this agreement shall commence on the date it is signed, and shall end a minimum of one-year later, unless terminated by the City, or the Volunteer Group on 30 day notice.  Upon termination of this agreement, the Adopt a Street sign shall be removed and remain the property of the City.