The Lynnwood City Council will hold a Special Business Meeting on Thursday, February 20, at 6 pm in the Council Chambers.
River 5:45am
River 7:05am
River 8:00am
River 8am
Deep 8:10am
Shallow & Deep 9:15am
River 62+ yrs 10:30am
Gentle 12pm
Shallow 9:30am
Shallow & Deep 6:30pm
Special Schedule: Oct 26, 31, Nov 11, 27-29, Dec 21-31 Closed: Nov 28, Dec 24-25, Jan1
Shallow Water Fitness: While training all the major muscle groups against the water's resistance, you will receive a calorie-burning workout. Classes are held in the shallow end of the lap pool.
Deep Water Fitness: Zero joint impact with maximum resistance without touching the bottom of the pool. Exercises are performed with flotation equipment. The focus is on core strength, cardio intensity and full range of motion. Classes are held in the deep end of the lap pool.
River Fitness: Utilize the current of the river for increased resistance. Depth is 3.5 feet, perfect for those looking for a new kind of challenge. Great for cross training and burning calories. These classes are motivating and powerful workouts with body-energizing results.
62+ River Water Fitness: A class time designed especially for those ages 62+. Enjoy the camaraderie and fun these classes offer, while receiving a low impact cardio workout. Join us in the River and walk away feeling energized.
Gentle Fitness: Combining the warmth of the Wellness Pool and gentle movements will help you relieve pain and stiffness as well as increase joint flexibility. Low-key workouts are great for those recovering from injury or just trying to relieve aches and pains of everyday life.