Park Rules and Policies

Lynnwood's parks are open from dawn to dusk.
Park Rules are posted in all parks.
Unless otherwise posted:
  • Pets must be on a leash and feces collected and deposited in appropriate receptacle.
  • Unscheduled team play and pets are not permitted on athletic fields at Meadowdale Playfields.
The following are prohibited in Lynnwood's parks:
  • Possession or use of alcohol or drugs
  • Possession or use of fireworks
  • Unauthorized sale of merchandise, food or services
  • Any use of tobacco products
  • Destruction or removal of park property or vegetation
  • Motorized vehicles in non-designated parking areas
  • Any fire within a public park except for the purpose of cooking on a provided grill
  • Dumping of garbage other than in approved receptacles
  • Misconduct or unnecessary roughness
  • Golfing other than at approved facility
  • Livestock or other hoofed animals
  • Overnight camping
  • Soliciting

Violation of any of the above is a misdemeanor and will be enforced by citation or arrest.
Lynnwood Municipal Code (LMC)

Pesticide Policy

In accordance with the City Pesticide and Fertilizer Use Policy, the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department employs Integrated Pest Management techniques to manage grass areas at acceptable levels to provide healthy public recreational opportunities with the minimum use of fertilizers and pesticides, and to minimize public and employee exposure to pesticides.

Questions? Call 425-670-5732.